Wednesday, 25 July 2012

SSAS Cube Browser Error Class Not Registered

If you encounter an error  as SSAS Cube Browser Error Class Not Registered  as shown below

The probable cause is likely that you removed some of  the office componants ,in my case i removed Microsoft office 2003 ribbon componant ,when i reintalled it is working fine .

Friday, 13 April 2012

SSIS Indirect Configurations

Configurations in SSIS are mainly used to make the package independent of the environment  dependent objects such as connection strings ,location of files etc.. When we  deploy our package to different server with different configurations we can  easily apply the environment dependent objects through configurations  .

I will implement direct  configurations initially than i will  extend to indirect configurations.
I'm using the same package of my previous demo,a simple package of for each loop for a collection of excel files,which loads the files dynamically to a database table.So the connection string for excel source is implemented dynamically by using variables with expression as i explained in my previous post,and the destination is connection string pointing to a table in my local database  SSIS Demo 

I will create a configuration file for these two

In order to create configuration you can  either go to SSIS menu or right click on your design surface and add configurations

I have selected configuration type as xml  configuration file ,and given a location for it.remember  configurations can be implemented using many ways with xml files or sqlserver or environment variables in this demo i will be using combination  of xml files and environment variables.In the next step we will   selecting the environment dependent variables 

This example simply selects connection string for our destination  database and variable value. By Capturing these we can make changes in our destination server configuration with relevant values which are local to that environment .In next step give  a name and finish.

Save the package  and manually copy the package to the other server.
Bring DTEXECUI   by searching  for programme file  for  DTEXECUI

Double click DTExecUI 

Give the connection details of the package location and  than add configuration file as shown above.The Configuration  file should be edited as per your environment.

This is a direct configuration,as we need to provide the hard coded location of the configuration file which is not a flexible approach.In order to avoid this we will create an environment variable pointing to the location of configuration file
 Environment variables  can be set by right clicking the  computer  and  advance system  settings  and environment  variables  .

 and finally  configure the environment variable. and give this environment variable name while executing the package on the destination server with the environment variable set.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Dynamically Loading excel files using SSIS

In this post i will  design a package for looping through excel  files   on  a  64 bit computer  as it requires few extra steps otherwise the package will fail.

The Package Looks like this

For Each Loop  will be looping through all sales files  and  will be mapped to Salesfilename  Variable

All the files are located under  C:\

Open the Foreachloop container  and  set the Properties for Folder to enumerate and the File Qualifier as shown below

Variable Mapping

Next step is to configure connection string for the excel source

As we will provide the file name at run time we need to set few properties Add a connection string to the design surface and right click the connection string and go to properties  ,expressions  and set connection string as

The easiest way to set this expression is to connect to excel file initially and than  copy the connection string and make necessary changes to include the variable name  and reset the Expression with connection string with the expression

Open the DataFlow drag a Excel Data Source and Oledb Destination with a mapped table

Open the properties of the Excel Source and set the Validate external meta data to  False other wise it will give validation error ,as the connection string gets its value at run time

Also  go to the For each Loop Container properties and set  delay validation to true and run the package on your 64 bit System

The Package Fails and throws an error

[Excel Source [1]] Error:
The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager 2"
failed with error code 0xC00F9304.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.

The solution is to go to Project Menu and Select ProjectProperties and  go to  Debugging and set Run64BitRuntime  to False.

And re run the package the package will execute without any errors

Saturday, 24 March 2012

SqlServer Indexes Cont..

In this post,I will be extending  the discussion on indexes from my previous post,as we were discussing on non clustered indexes ,I will be covering a specific type of non clustered index called covering index.Before going in detail ,let me explain    what happens when   we   execute a query which has got non clustered index  with  clustered index optional.

Take an example table Product  with columns as Pid  Pname PCategory PsubCategory ,assume we got a clustered  index on Pid  and non clustered index on Pname ,Lets   execute a query like Select  Pcategory,PSubCategory  from Product.

We got a  Non clustered index on Pcategory but not on PsubCategory so what sqlserver optimizer  does
when  a column  in the select query is not included in an index is  a book mark look up ,during this book mark look up it makes a look up to a  clustered index in this case or a row id if we haven't got clustered index and fetches relative rows  from the table,clearly as you can observe  there  is an extra step  for this and this degrades performance,so in this case if  we include a non clustered index on the other column PsubCategory also ,than we can avoid the book mark look as we got both the columns of the select query in the form of indexes and fetched directly  without needing a lookup to a clustered index or row location .This naturally improves performance .

I  recommend to  have look at  graphical execution plans in Management studio which will give you a quick overview of the Various metrics associated with the cost of the queries,but remember spend as much time as you can on indexes and the way optimizer executes in sqlserver 

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Sqlserver Indexes

In this post I will be explaining indexes ,So the big question is  What are Indexes?
Well Indexes are used mainly for performance so that the optimizer can choose the best method for fetching records for a query ,Before going in to the details of indexes,  we will look at, how exactly Sql sever retrieves the information when we issue a query against its tables,Basically what  Sqlserver does, when haven't got indexes on relevant table is, it  will make a table scan to find the relevant information  ,So what is a table scan?In a table scan  what Sqlserver does is that ,it goes to each row of the table   to find the relevant match.

How Does it Effects the Performance,Assume if you got Millions of  records and If  you  scan all the rows than  it consumes lot of time  as you have to go to each and every  row , this consumes lot of time that is why the concept of indexes was introduced.remember a lot factors contribute to the optimization of query but  i want to  limit my discussion only to indexes ,which play an  important role in improving performance,I will discuss rest of the associated factors with indexes and query performance like statistics and fragmentation in future posts

What Indexes does is it  stores the data in an orderly way ,So if you issue a query against a table which contain indexes ,the execution engine will see the existence of the index   and it  knows where exactly those values are going to reside  and picks up the relevant records quickly  by taking a particular logical path ,this operation  is called  a seek a operation,to do this seek operation it takes B tree approach Namely Balanced Tree approach
Levels of a clustered index 
Picture Taken from Msdn

This Balanced Tree Approach Makes the whole process of fetching the records  easy  as it takes relevant path as shown in the above figure as per its data to find the records   and this avoids row by row operation and improving performance

Before Going any further I will explain the two Main Type of Indexes  Namely
Clustered and NonClustered

So what is a Clustered Index.A Clustered Index is an Index  which will order all the records of a table in an orderly way.So this naturally will lead to a question ,How many Clustered Indexes a table can have?well the answer is simple, physically we can order a table in   in only  one way ,So the answer is simple    there will be only  one Clustered Index per table .Remember Clustered Index orders the entire table in a particular order and one more important thing to understand before going to Non Clustered Index is that the Leaflevel Nodes of a Clustered indexes are actual Data.

Now we will  dig deeper into NonClustered Index.
In non clustered index the leaf level nodes of the Btree is not  actual data as in clustered, but it contains a pointer, so you may think how this pointer will actually help to find me the actual record  ,well this pointer points to  either a RowID of the table or a Clustered index Key if there is a Clustered index on the table to fetch the actual data.As you might be wondering why you use a non clustered index when there is this extra process of pointer to fetch the records which will effect performance,  well we know we can only create one  clustered index per table but  we can create as many as non clustered indexes i will explain this further in detail later ,but for now remember even though  the performance of non clustered index is low to clustered index but it gives a flexibility to create more than one non clustered index and for some queries how the performance an be improved without the need of a clustered  index , and non-clustered index is far better than  than row by row operation for highly selective  columns of large tables

Before you read any further I strongly recommend to understand the above process,this might be basic but is lays  a solid foundation how the Optimizer will use the indexes and  fetches  the records for performance,  rest of the post is totally dependent on this.

I will explain in detail more about indexes in next  post .

Power BI Report Server

Power BI Report Server  is a new product which can be used to host both Power BI reports and SSRS reports. Currently beta version is ava...